International Wrap-up Event

Topic Outline

The International Wrap-up event on Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture took place on June 26-28, 2013, in Tehran, Iran.

Participating Countries:
Algeria, Bolivia, China, Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Senegal, South Africa, and Tunisia.

Jens Liebe (UNW-DPC)
Manzoor Qadir (UNU-INWEH)
Birguy Lamizana (UNEP)
Javier Mateo-Sagasta (FAO)
Kate Medlicott (WHO)
Liqa Rashid-Sally (IWMI)

UNW-DPC Summary Report:

UN-Water Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture Project:
International Wrap-up Event

26-28 June 2013 Tehran, Iran


1. Background Materials

Event Poster

Click here for downloading the Event Agenda.

2. Good Practice Examples

Economics, Resource Recovery and Reuse

Egypt: Lake Manzala Engineerd Wetland
Morocco: Bonnes pratiques: Réutilisation des eaux usées épurées au niveau de la ville de Settat Maroc
Philippines: Use of Wastewater as Fertilizer

Supportive Policy and Institutional Settings

Algeria:  Valorisation des Eaux Usees Epurees en Irrigation
Mexico: Programa Regional e Integral para el Reuso e Intercambio Seguro de Aguas Servidas en la Agricultura
Peru: Aguas Residuales Domesticas de la Planta de Tratemiento de Aguas Residuales Domestica (PTAR) de Santa Clara Para Riego de Cultivos en Lima

Risk Management and the Use of the WHO Guidelines

Peru: Simple, Low-cost Reservoirs to Reduce Vegetable Contamination in Lima, Peru
Senegal: Projet de Promotion de l’Utilisation d’Une Eau de Qualité en Appui à l’Agriculture Urbaine
Tunisia: Ateliers de Sensibilisation au Profit des Agriculteurs et des Femmes Rurales Aux Risques Liés à la Réutilisation des Eaux Usées en Agriculture

Diagnostic Analysis of Wastewater Management

China: Collection, Reuse and Treatment of Wastewater in Beijing, China
Iran: Wastewater Reuse in Mash-had Plain
Mauritius: Diagnostic Analysis of Wastewater Management in Mauritius
Mexico: Reuse of Untreated Municipal Wastewater for Agriculture Over a Century at the Mezquital Valley, Mexico

3. Presentations

Overview of the "Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture" project, scope of the Wrap-up, expected outcome and second phase of the project (Jens Liebe, UNW-DPC)

Short introduction of the concept of the global level proposal (Jens Liebe, UNW-DPC)

4. Photo Gallery

Last modified: Monday, 2 March 2015, 01:00 PM